Miles Dyson is a ​children’s ​illustrator with a ​focus on murals ​and children’s ​publishing. His ​work is inspired ​by his personal ​experience and a ​touch of silliness


My murals are full of bright colours and bold line work, perfect for making your space vibrant and welcoming.

Leeds Arts University

As a part of my degree show at Leeds Arts Univeristy, I was given the opportunity to recreate the mural I painted for Maryport Aquarium a few months earlier. I only had a week to design and paint the mural which meant no second guessing and I managed to get it done in just 3 days with help from fellow students to fill in the colours with me.

Mock ups

Mock ups are a vital part of my mural practice. When I have the resources and space to do so I will plan designs on large pieces of paper but otherwise digital mockups are a great way to figure out how to scale up the design for the wall.

Maryport Aquarium

As a part of my final project at university, I contacted Maryport aquarium to ask if they’d like a mural in their children’s section. They were thrilled with the result! I painted this mural as a way to start building connections in the town I was soon to move to.

Children’s books

My children’s book work is full of childlike scratchiness giving an authentic feel to my oil pastel illustrations.

My mum named me twice

I wrote and illustrated a BLAD (book layout and design) of my children’s book ‘My mum named me twice’ to send over to publishers. The story is inspired by how I came out as trans to my mum, leading her to naming me twice, hence the name of the book. My goal is for the story is to help trans children feel seen and give them hope that not every coming out story has to be sad.

The dog and the peacock

I illustrated the ‘super great kids story’ the dog and the peacock. I used shadow and negative space to visualise the isolation the characters feel throughout the story.

(I have more final images, I just have to retrieve them first)

The flying griraffe

I wrote and illustrated three final spreads and a storyboard for ‘the flying giraffe’. The story is about greed and its consequences, following a giraffe that swallows a swallow, something you should never do! It’s a very silly and playful story and I wanted to reflect that in my materials, using oil pastels and playdoh.


Leeds Arts University

Coming soon

If you’re curious to read what other people have said about me and my work ​follow the links above. This feels like a bit of a “pinch me” moment, having ​articles written about me.

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Miles Dyson